Sunday, September 14, 2008

Roll Tide!

We figured that it was time to start the boy's training! He is getting the shaker action down, but we are still working on the Roll Tide.
(sorry the video quality isn' t that great...I think it wasn't sure what to focus on...just thought it would give you an idea!)


Unknown said...

Get that boy started off right. We love seeing him and really reliaze what we are missing. Hurry home!!!!!!

Button said...

He'll be standing in the student section in a coat and tie (with some sort of drink, I'm sure) in NO time! We miss you so much!

Ramma Jamma!
Aunt B

Chris, Kristin, and Emily said...

cute! we are starting early as well, but have yet to get a good video to post. emily can do the touchdown, make the elephant sound, and say bama. try the touchdown with the hands up in the's easy for them to catch on quick!

roll tide!