Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Look Quickly

This is something we haven't been seeing much of around here!

As much as we love this sweet baby girl and are happy to have her in our family, we sure wish she would do some sleeping {and I don't just mean at night}! As I mentioned in a previous post, I think she is colicky...and boy did it rear its ugly head yesterday.

Around 10 last night, Nick made the comment that he didn't think she'd been asleep since he got home--which was around 5! I suppose that would be manageable if she were awake and content, but she is usually fussing when she is awake. Nick volunteered to get her settled down for sleep after I fed her at 10:30 so that I could go to sleep. However, around 1:00am, I heard her fussing downstairs, so I got up to go down there to feed her. Nick said she'd been fussing off and on since I went up to sleep...and she had only slept for about 10 minutes. {after she ate, she did sleep from 1:30 to 5:30...hooray for sleep--for both of us!}

Nick keeps telling me that Carter was fussy too, but I don't remember his being this fussy. When he was little, I remember asking my friend Jennifer how people say they forget this part...she said it isn't so much that you forget but that you just think, "ok, it wasn't that bad; I could do it again." That made sense to me. But, now I am beginning to wonder... have I become THAT mom? The one who forgot the early fussy, sleepless, painful days with her first child?

I suppose it is possible. It is possible that the 23 delightful months that followed the early sleepless, fussy days have managed to erase {or at least greatly fade} those memories. And it goes by so quickly that sometimes I can't believe Carter's actually two. So, although it is painful now...and these sweet, sleepy moments aren't something we experience with Callen all that often, I need to remind myself that it is just one of the many phases that I don't want to wish away. They will be gone all too soon as it is.


J. Pucci said...

Sue --

Griffin was super fussy/sleepless for those first months, too (and so were we, by default!). The doctor called it our facvorite "colic" (the undefinable condition).

But now, everyone who watches him or meets him says that if their children were like him they'd have had at least 6! He's almost always got a smile or a laugh for us...AND he sleeps.

Hang in there, I know it's hard. :)

Julia Pucci

McCulloch Family said...

Have you read or seen "The Happiest Baby on the Block?" It's methods of how to soothe your colicky baby. It worked for us and for 2 of our friends who have extremely colicky babies.

The 5 "S's":
1. Sucking (either nursing or paci)
2. Swaddling
3. Shhh-ing (or white noise - we swear by the bathroom exhaust fan)
4. Shaking/patting toosh
5. Side or stomach position

Trying 1 or several or all at the same time...until you have a soothed babe.

Just my 2 cents...


Anna & Greg said...

Sue - I feel your pain. That's the biggest thing I dread about having another - the loss of sleep and my loss of patience. I hope it eases up, and I'll need you to tell me that it will pass when I'm in your place.