Monday, July 6, 2009

Where to begin???

We just got back from a wonderful, busy, and exhausting trip to Alabama. We celebrated Nick's little sister's wedding, went to the beach with my family, celebrated the 4th, and visited with Nick's family on the way back to Indy. It was such a fun trip, and I have so many pictures, but I haven't had time to go through them all yet. I wanted to post a few, though.

Jumping from the stairs with Bamma

Carter had lots of new experiences...he walked down the aisle in Stacey's wedding, went to his first wedding reception, came a long way in his swimming, went riding in Big Pat's boat, caught fish and watched fireworks.

Fishing with Dad, Steve & Big Pat

Touching one of the fish he caughtRiding on Big Pat's boat...Mr. Lamb got to ride, too.

Enjoying a little grilled cheese lunch, poolside

He also started sleeping in a big boy bed!!! I highly suggest the take-your-child-somewhere-he-doesn't-have-his-own-bed-and-wear-him-out-swimming-so-that-he-doesn't-care-where-he-sleeps technique. We'll see how it goes at home tonight. {Since we got home at 1:30am last night, I decided the crib was probably our best bet!}

I am so proud of our little man! He was a great traveler! We don't have a DVD player (portable or in our car) and he does fabulously on long car trips. He points out "big trucks," buses, and many other things...Nick and I laughed because on our trip from Indy to Decatur, he literally talked the entire 6.5 hours! He got sleepy when we were about 10 minutes from Nick's mom's house, and started saying "Carter sleepy time" over and over and over. Carter was in a great mood all week and enjoyed seeing and celebrating with family and friends.

My sister has some pictures on her blog from our trip too. I'll post more soon!


Button said...

So enjoyed spending the week with y'all! That Carter-man is growing up so fast. Thank y'all for sharing him with us this week. He is such a joy!

Love and miss y'all!
Aunt B

Unknown said...

What a fabulous week it was. We all regret that you cannot come at the drop of a hat. Maybe someday . . . .

Anna & Greg said...

Looks like y'all had a great time! Carter looks so cute passed out in bed. I can't believe you're so close to baby #2 - can't wait to hear your news and see pics!


Chris, Kristin, and Emily said...

busy bees! looks like you had a great trip! hope you're feeling well and ready for #2 soon!

Leslie said...

Looks like yall had a fun week full of adventure!! We are about to head up your way to visit the in-laws for a week. Anything fun for kids going on in Indy next week? :)