Sunday, December 9, 2007



This past weekend, Nick and I ventured to Las Vegas with some friends to celebrate his 30th birthday (which is on the 18th!). We had a great time. We flew out there on Friday morning and met Kristi and Michael Galloway, Sarah and J. Long, Clint Mountain and Emily, and a few other couples from Birmingham. It was a great trip. Since Kristi and Michael are in DC, Sarah and J. in Birmingham, and Clint and Emily in Tuscaloosa, we don't get to see them very often, so it was great to catch up.

Nick was so happy because he got to spend a lot of time at the poker table...something he has really missed. He played cards with a group of guys fairly regularly when we lived in Birmingham, so it was nice for him to get to play with some of them this weekend. I was able to enjoy some time at the spa and hang out and catch up with the girls. We had some wonderful meals and just enjoyed being together and with our friends.

It was, however, my first overnight trip away from Carter, but I managed to do okay. My mom graciously came up to Indianapolis to keep him while we were gone--a huge THANK YOU to her, because without her keeping him, this trip would not have been possible for me--so I knew he was in good hands. I have to admit...I was really missing him, though, and ready to get home! It is so difficult to be away from him for that long!

Nick is actually headed out to California for a work trip, so Carter and I will be on our own until Wednesday! Hopefully, I'll survive being a single working parent for 3 days!
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Button said...

I'm glad you were able to have fun in Las Vegas. I talked to Carter (and Mom) several times while you were away and everyone seemed to be fine! I could even hear Wrigs barking in the background a couple of times. I know you are glad to be back home and in "Mom-mode!" I'm looking forward to seeing you, Nick, and Carter in the next few weeks and I can't wait for you to get here! Love you!

Anonymous said...

So glad you had the opportunity to get away. All Moms and Dads need
that. Can't wait to see ya'll Christmas.
Granny Pat

The Powells said...

Sue - I am very proud of you doing so well on your first away trip!! I am having an overnight trip this week, I hope I will do as well as you on my first time away from the twins!