Sunday, December 16, 2007

Baby Its COLD Outside!

Our house in the snow
We aren't messing really is cold outside! This weekend we got about 5 inches of snow. We got about 2.5 inches on Saturday morning and about another 2.5 inches late Saturday night and early Sunday morning. Like true Southerners, Nick, Carter and I spent the entire day Saturday, not only inside, but in our PJs! It was lovely. I am not a fan of snow under any circumstances; but if I had a preference, I would rather it snow when I don't have to get out in it!
We did, however, manage to get out of our PJs today and get out of the house. That meant that Nick had to shovel the driveway, which is a task he absolutely LOVES (as I am sure you can imagine!). I had to laugh as I watched him from our upstairs window. We have twin six-year-old girls who live next door and as he was shoveling snow, they were sneak-attacking him with snowballs! He started fighting back after a while. It was priceless! I wish I had thought quickly enough to snap a picture. At least I managed to get the girls playing in the snow.
The twin girls next door playing in the snow

A look down our street
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Jennie-Marie said...

Ohh wow! Its beautiful, but I think I would have to stay in my pj's too. I bet they don't cancel school for an inch do they. Someone said it snowed here today too, I must have missed it. Stay Warm!!!

Haley said...

I am glad you posted a picture of your house. I almost asked you to when you put the front door pic with the wreath on it on the blog. I thought to myself that you guys must have a cute house just by that picture! I was right! Cute house sue! I saw two snowflakes this morning! Merry Christmas!

Button said...

I'm glad y'all have snow and not us down here!!! It has gotten cold now--although, not Indiana cold--and that's about all I can handle! We're looking forward to seeing you this coming weekend and I can't wait to see how big my nephew is now! :)
Love you!

Jody, Andrea, Banks, Mary Reese & Owen said...

Banks wishes he was there to eat some snow cream! Do you think you can bring him some?

Anonymous said...

Having spent one winter in Chicago with a new born and snow I can relate. It is beautiful for a short time. A good picture of the house. Nick will stay in shape shoveling snow.
Granny Pat

Anonymous said...

Call me ignorant, but can you not just drive over the snow in the driveway? It looks like you could in the pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing y'all Sunday.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Your house looks like something out of a story book. I love the pictures of your family.