Sunday, October 3, 2010

Begging for Food

Every morning, Nick takes his breakfast and sits down in the chair in our room off the kitchen to eat a few bites and enjoy the morning news, sports updates, etc. And, every morning, as soon as he sits down, our children flock to him to see if they can beg some scraps.

The scene looks a little like this:

It is almost humorous. I have to laugh, because as soon as he sits down, they stop what they are doing, bee-line it to him, and beg until he gives in. On weekend mornings, sometimes I am successful in diverting their attention to their own breakfast so that Nick can enjoy his, but I wasn't fast enough yesterday.

Yes, I do know it is October and not December. Why do you ask? {some battles aren't worth fighting}

Roll Tide, by the way...


Chris, Kristin, and Emily said...

funny that they beg! like having two little puppies!

emily still wears her christmas jammers too. "there are some"... try A LOT of fights that just are not worth it!

The Lilly Family said...

I think Paul will share in Nick's breakfast pain! Every time daddy is around and actually sits down, my kids think it's an open invitation to jump on him! Love the Christmas PJ's! He's just getting into the spirit...a little early!