Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quote of the Day

This is what is in place of our front door right now.

This is what happened to our front door and our door is large and unique and replacing it is cost prohibitive, so we have to settle for the almost equally cost prohibitive option of repairing it

This is what this precocious little fella said when he got home from school and saw the transition:

"We have a new door."

Indeed we do. Carter was very distressed by the new "door." Nick told him that the front door had to go to the doctor, so Carter has been saying, "Door make it feel better" every time he walks by the plywood "door." I just love listening to what he comes up with!


Button said...

That is a hoot!

Please tell Carter that Aunt B has his birthday present waiting on him in B'ham and that she and Uncle Ken can't WAIT to see him! (She also has "prizes" for Callen, but I have a feeling Callen's mom will be more excited about those than Callen will be!)

Love y'all!
Aunt B

Unknown said...

Whatever they need to understand the situation. Change is difficult as I seem to remember