Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saying Goodbye

Haley & James at their going away party

I am not even really sure how to start this post, so I guess I'll just jump right in and say that we are super sad to be saying goodbye to our good friends Haley & James, who are moving to Boston at the end of the week. Without being too sappy, I'll just say that the two of them are incredible people and amazing friends. We have been {and will continue to be!} tremendously blessed by their friendship.

the four of us in Tuscaloosa for the Ole Miss-UA game 2006

When we moved to Indianapolis, we knew that it would be hard to be 500 miles away from our families. What we didn't count on was making the kind of friends who seem like family; the kind of friends who make being 500 miles away from our families a little easier. Haley and James are definitely in that group.

Haley with Carter before he was a week old

Carter smiling at Haley at the Gilroys' house
They have checked on our house when we were out of town. They have picked up Wrigley from the kennel when we wouldn't get back in time. They have been with us to celebrate all of Carter's big milestones to this point. They have celebrated good news, good times, holidays, & special occasions with us. They've been there when things were less than rosy. And, I'd like to think, we've done the same for/with them.

James playing with Carter on July 4, 2008

And, while we are sad to see them go, we certainly wish them all the best as they head back out east. We know that there will be calls, visits, FB updates, and hopefully adventures together in the future. We also know, though, that for us, Indy won't be quite the same without them. Best of luck! We'll miss you, Haley & James!

the four of us at the Gilroys' going away party

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