Friday, April 11, 2008

Enjoying Spring

For the past week and a half, we have been enjoying nice spring weather! For those of you who are reading this and live in the southeast, that means that we are enjoying the weather you experienced at the end of February/beginning of March. It is just now getting to fairly consistent 60 degree days. I say fairly consistent because while it has been in the 60s or 70s all week, it is not supposed to get out of the 40s tomorrow! Yuck.

At any rate, Carter got a surprise from his mom this week. I ordered him a swing to use and enjoy this summer. We decided to try it out after work/school one night this week. As you can probably tell from the pictures, he wasn't too sure about it. He wasn't unhappy, but he wasn't squealing with delight either. That could also be because he was pretty tired, so we will try again another day.

Carter is definitely on the move these days. He has used this week to perfect the crawling that he started last weekend, and he is all over the place! I was out of town for work last night and Nick said that he left Carter in his room to fix his bath water. Carter crawled from his room into the bathroom while Nick was in there. I got the pleasure of having the same experience tonight...I guess I should have known better. His teacher called me to give me an updated on him today, and she said that now that he can move, they find him in every corner of the room!

Every time I tell someone that he is crawling the next question is, "Have you baby-proofed your house?" Hmmm... I am assuming that you have figured out that the answer is no. Guess I should get on that...

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Leigh Collins said...

I know you're glad the weather is warming up! Don't worry about the swing - Mary Mac was not a fan AT ALL! She would cry anytime we put her in it. Now, on the other hand, Anna loves it and could swing for hours if we would push her. Mary Mac now loves a "big girl swing" though, so they do get over it. And, by the way, you better get on the baby-proofing quick. You will be amazed at what they can get into and how quickly! I found Anna one night in the bathroom (with the tub full and Mary Mac in it) standing on the little stool I use to sit on and leaning over into the tub ! Yikes! Needless to say that was the last time I let her even close to the bathroom door.

The Reeds said...

Hey Sue! It's great to hear from you! I'm so glad you found us, so that I could find you:) Carter is ADORABLE! Congrats!
It took me a long time to figure out the scrapbook title too. Here's what I did... go to File (from the edit page) then choose "Export as JPEG" and save it to your computer. Then, upload it to the title part of your blog. I hope that makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't work, and maybe I can explain it better. Have a great weekend!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Hey Sue - like April said you need to export your scrapblog and download it to your computer as a jpeg file. Then you will need to make sure it is resized to 600 x 450 or something close...that way it will fit into the box that is your header. Then you just add it into your header on the blog just like you would add a picture. Hope that helps! You can email me if you have anymore questions...norris84atgmaildotcom.
Carter is getting so big!!!

Button said...

I'm glad that y'all are having some good weather finally! Of course, it's supposed to get cold here in AL over the next few days (down to 32 degrees Monday night), so we'll have to warm back up soon.

I love the fact that you can see Wrigs looking for squirrels in the first picture on the blog. Carter will be following her all over the back yard soon enough! Love you!

McCulloch Family said...

LOVE the video of Carter crawling...what a big boy!!! And your new blog layout is great...nice job!!!

Unknown said...

Swing = good for Mom, confining for Carter. I think the days of his being content with motion that is not generated by him are questionable at best and probably over.
love to you all,

Kelli said...

Glad y'all have been enjoying spring weather. The first time I put AG in her swing, she hated it. She was shaking when I took her out of it, but she loves it now! Love the new look on the blog! Nice job!

Unknown said...

He always looks like he is up to something!

Hope that ya'll are doing well