Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's been a cold winter

I'm not a meteorologist and this isn't a studied fact, but it sure seems like we've had more snow/ice this winter than we've had in Alabama in a while. Our children like to watch it fall, but we aren't big on getting out in it--and to be honest, we haven't had enough to really play in. I guess it just seems to fall frequently without sticking in significant amounts.

I digress...

So, this past Saturday morning, the white stuff was falling again, this was going on at our counter:

While this was being organized in our pantry:
...not by me, I might add. Yet another reason I have such a wonderful husband.

Oh, and it is snowing again as I type this...really? I moved back here to escape this! ;)


Button said...

I am beginning to believe you brought it with you! Hope I get to see y'all soon--in warmer weather!

Love y'all!
Aunt B

Unknown said...

Nick puts the rest of us to shame. If you brought this weather - send it back. Spring is coming - hopefully soon.