Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lo Lo 'ed Up

On Tuesday night, while Nick and I were eating dinner after the kiddos had been put to bed {Carter was not asleep}, we heard little feet on the floor upstairs. The noise ceased after a little bit, so we finished our meal.

After dinner was over, I heard Carter talking upstairs, so I went up there to check and make sure that he was in the bed. Well, he was, technically, in the bed. BUT, when I turned to go up the stairs, I saw that his light was on. As I got to the top of the stairs, I saw that he was sitting up in bed playing with something in front of him. The something in front of him? A bottle of lotion {or "lo-lo," as we call it}. He looked up and told me that he was "getting lo-lo'ed up," which is what we usually say after bathtime when we put lotion on him.

He had made quite a mess. I don't know that I'd say there was lotion everywhere, because it could certainly have been worse. He had lotion on his clothes, two of his pillows, his friends that he sleeps with, and he had it coated on every inch of exposed skin--including his face!

please note the sheen on his face and the lotion on his chin

Unfortunately for those of you reading, lotion doesn't photograph all that well, so you can't get the full effect, but it was quite the nightcap for a busy Tuesday!


Unknown said...

And that is what littl boys are made of - just be glad he did not Lo-Lo Sunny.
love and see you shorly

Button said...

I continue to be amazed at all he soaks up! He is just a sponge!!!

Love y'all!
Aunt B

Kelli said...

That is very funny! Love it when they get things in their little minds!! Thanks for sharing!