Thursday, January 8, 2009

What's goin' around

For the past two days, my sweet little fella has been fighting some cold/fever bug that he picked up. I feel so badly for him!
Luckily, Wednesday morning we had a well visit scheduled with his doctor for his 16 month check up. She checked him out, but didn't give any shots because he already had a fever. She was able to tell me the specifics of his cold/fever bug which was essentially that he would have a fever for about 72 hours and it would fluctuate between a low-grade fever and a fever that could get as high as 104! Fortunately, I don't think Carter has made it to 104, but it has been high.
Since Carter hasn't been feeling well, he hasn't been his usual busy, playing self {and we've been home the last two days from work/school}. You can see in the picture above what he has spent the majority of his time doing. In between the high fevers, I've gotten a glimpse of my typical Carter, but suffice it to say that Ty.lenol has been our best friend.
In well-visit news, Carter now weighs 24lbs, 8oz and is 32 and 3/4 inches long, which puts him in the 50% & 85% {that was for Nick!} respectively. She was very pleased with his development, though rather than showing off these skills, he fussed because he was feverish!
Hopefully, tomorrow will round out our 72 hours and Carter will be better by the weekend!


Kelli said...

So sorry the little man is sick. Not fun. I hope he gets back to his normal self soon!

Button said...

Give that little man a big hug and kiss from his Aunt B. I'm hate that he doesn't feel up to snuff! I hope that he's back to his usual busy self soon!

Love y'all!
Aunt B

Kellie said...

Sorry little man - hope you feel better soon!

Haley Gilroy said...

awe- feel better buddy!!

Habeggers said...

Hope the little guy is feeling better and that you and Nick don't get the bug!

Leigh Collins said...

I hope he's feeling better. It is the worst feeling in the world when you're child is sick and there's nothing you can do! It is such a relief when they are finally back to themselves again - even as much as they wear you out!

Leslie said...

Sorry he is sick...hope he feels better soon! I got a new camera for my birthday and have just been playing around with it. I am going to take a class that starts in two weeks, so hopefully that will help me. What kind of camera did you get? I found some great locations for pictures in Indy. Let me know if you are interested in them!

Unknown said...

FYI - I know you felt as badly for him and he, himself, felt and even worse because you were powerless to make it better.
love to all,

Chris, Kristin, and Emily said...

hope carter gets to feeling better soon! they never want to perform for the much pressure!