Monday, November 10, 2008

When I was little... mom used to "serve" us snacks {think Goldfish, Cheerios, oyster crackers} in Dixie kitchen-sized paper cups. Things have progressed quite a bit since then ... to the point that we now have available those nifty snack bowls for little ones that allow them to reach in to get the goods, but prevent the goods from spilling all over the floor when they inevitably turn the bowl {or cup} upside down.

I, however, have not yet actually remembered to buy these bowls when I have been in Tar.get. So, this weekend, when I got tired of doling Cheerios out of my hand, the light bulb when off. I fished in the pantry until I found my own Dixie kitchen-sized paper cups, filled one halfway with Cheerios and handed it off to Carter.

He peered inside.

He fished for the goods.

Cheerfully, he ate them as he marched around the house.

Then, of course, he dumped what was left of them out in the floor.


Leslie said...

You must go to a better doctor's office than me...mine never has People!! I just get the standard medical journals and year old Family Circles. :)Keep your fingers crossed I get it today!

Love the dixie cups. I need to start remembering to get those because of course I lost the top to the snack bowl! Have you see the cute Elmo cups with tops and straws? They are great for juice because they don't spill and you don't have to wash sippy cups as much!

Button said...

Now, if they just made the little cans of apple juice we used fish out of the bottom shelf of our frig, you'd really be in business! (By the way, Carter is in good company. His aunt STILL eats Cheerios out of a Dixie cup when she's desperate for a snack!)

Love to y'all!
Aunt B