I have not, however, been a slacker in life, which has led to a crazy busy November that left no time for blogging. So, here on the 27th of November, I will re-cap what we've been up to this month.
On Nov 3, I accompanied Carter's class on their field trip to Dis.ney on Ice. It was fun...a little crazy with 18 children {even with the 5 parents}; I have no idea how the teachers do it. Eighteen of someone else's children out in public once a month. I fear my blood pressure would never recover.
Our self-portrait

the best picture I could get of the skating action

Nick and I were fortunate enough for my parents to take our children to the beach during the first weekend of November so that we could attend the "Game of the Century" {or so it was billed}. We did indeed have a great time, though we would have much preferred to have won the game. It has been interesting to watch college football implode unfold since then... We can't wait until next Sunday night!

Carter and HG

Carter's pizza

First, we had my family over to our house on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and then we headed up to Decatur on Thursday for Thanksgiving celebrations with the Willis clan. I left my camera at home, so I don't have any pictures of the fine food or the cousins. :(
We also picked out our Christmas tree the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We knew it was supposed to rain, so we picked it out early so it wouldn't be wet and put it up in our house to fall out over the weekend. It now has the lights and the star on it and is waiting to be trimmed.